
Current Work

I'm part of the PLT group in Northeastern University. My work revolves around improving Racket as a framework for creating new programming languages — a “greenhouse” for new languages. I love practicing this too: I write new languages very frequently, especially in the context of my course. I'm also very much obsessed with almost anything related to reflection and quotations.

In addition, I do a lot of other work, all as part of PLT, of course. From writing, maintaining, and improving libraries and core functionality, through being in charge of our nightly builds and coordinating Racket releases.

Past Work

Reflection in Nuprl

From 1997 to 2003 I was part of the PRL group in Cornell University, working on the Nuprl theorem prover. My research focus in that context was a practical implementation of quotations in Nuprl, and using it for reflection. This work was done with Robert Constable who was my advisor, and with Stuart Allen who helped me with the formal details. I also did some work on the MetaPRL theorem prover with Jason Hickey and Aleksey Nogin, who went on to implement reflection in MetaPRL based on similar principles.

Computer Music

Between 1994 and 1996 I worked in the area of Computer Music, as part of my Master studies in Ben-Gurion University. The result of my research at this time was BOOMS Object Oriented Music System — a structure editor system for music composition, made under the supervision of Mira Balaban, and also with help from Michael Elhadad.


(All files are in PDF format.)
